Megan Byrne Speech and Language Therapist My Site
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What services do I offer?
I work primarily in London Borough of Barnet and can provide assessment and therapy for children both at home and school. I work with children aged 2-11, but please contact me if your child is outside of this bracket and you are seeking support and I will advise if this is something I can provide. I can also provide training and support for education staff in pre-schools, nurseries and primary schools.
Additional services, appointments and reports to those listed below can be provided upon request.
Initial Assessment
Face-to-face therapy
Review Appointments
At your child’s initial assessment we will discuss the current situation, progress and concerns. I will complete informal/formal assessment depending on what is appropriate. I will then provide advice verbally and there are different initial assessment packages available depending on if you need a brief summary report or a full report, resources and activities available to add on too. Length of the initial assessment may vary dependent on the presenting clinical need. (60-90 minute appointment).
Following initial assessment if ongoing therapy is indicated this will be organised. Therapy sessions may be weekly or fortnightly and will be agreed between therapist and family as well as length of the therapy sessions. Typically a block of therapy will last 6-8 weeks before being reviewed, (45-60 minute appointment).
Following an agreed block of therapy sessions or after a consolidation period, a review session will take place to ascertain impact of sessions so far. This is also an opportunity for targets to be reviewed and new targets set if needed, (45-60 minutes).
Targets and therapy programme
School / Nursery Visits
School based intervention
Written targets and strategies including advice and next steps can be provided to be used at home and school.
Visits to your child's school can be discussed and arranged. This will ensure that staff feel confident in delivering programme and strategies to develop communication.
If you are a staff member at a nursery or school and are interested in working with me please contact me. I am happy to provide observations, assessments, support with EHCP applications, training, therapy and more.